Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter salad with Asian dressing

This salad  improves if it sits for a few hours.

2 large leaves of curly kale, washed, stems removed, cut into small bite size pieces.
1/4 cup red onion, sliced very thin then chopped
2 cups broccoli chopped into bite size pieces (save the stalks for soup)
1 large pepper, diced (any colour)
1 cup red cabbage, sliced fine

Toss the salad ingredients together

Dressing Ingredients:
1/4 cup sesame oil
4 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp chili flakes
2 tsp agave (or other sweetener)

Mix dressing ingredients together.

Toss the salad and the dressing together.

This can be made a day ahead and will be good.
If we have left over we stir fry it and serve it over rice, potato or pasta.

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