ut them in the refrigerator. They were now ready for addition to soups, or to be used in a recipe. Potato Nachos are much healthier than buying commercial nacho chips.

10 small boiled potatoes cut in quarters length wise
1 tsp canola oil to grease the baking pan
1 bell pepper, chopped

1/4 cup salsa (we used
pre-made but you can make your own if desired)
1/4 cup Daiya cheddar style shreads
To Make:
Place the potatoes on the baking pan in 350 F oven until heated through.

Top with chopped peppers, salsa and Daiya
Heat an additional 10 minutes until Daiya is melted.
Serve hot.

We have been watching videos and reading books by Dr John McDougall. Since he really believes potatoes are a great healthy food and we can get them locally we have been eating LOTS of potatoes.
Here is his video called The Starch Solution if you want to watch.
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